Drama Club
CMS Club
In April 2024, The Coopertown Middle School Drama club put on the production The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.
Name | Role |
Jodi Axley | Director |
Jenny Meacham | Assistant Director |
Hannah Wagner | Assistant Director |
Ava Alford | Dirk Merchant, Prince, Prince 2, Cinderella |
Edwin Angel | Actor, Hansel, Dwarf 1, King |
Carlie Atkinson | Narrator 1, Rumpelstiltskin, Johannes |
Hazel Boates | Enchantress, Witch, Witch 2 |
Katey Hall | Rapunzel |
Zaniyah Lucas | The Devil, Gretel, Raven |
Magdalena Ortega | Plinkie Pie |
Daverick Payne | Audience Member |
Lily VanKirk | Narrator 2, Dwarf 2 |
Emari Wright | Girl, Snow White, Queen |
Robertson County Players | Lightning & Sound |
Special Thanks goes to:
1) Robertson County Schools for supporting this production
2) Coopertown Middle School for their support and allowing use to use their auditorium for rehearsals and performances
3) The Robertson County Players for their technical assistance on the production
Please check back for future performances. If you or your student is interested in auditioning for CMS Drama, please contact Jodi Axley (jodi.axley@rcstn.net)